What are the techniques of metal crafts in China
The process depends on the material, shape, structure and decoration of the product, which can be roughly divided into. @) hot
processing proceses such as melting and casting, calcination, baking and welding; @ Cold working processes such as hammering
rolling, breaking, dimple, chisel and chisel: @ Knitting, stacking, dot stacking and other compaction processes; @ nlay, green point,
alaze flling and other filing processes: Surface treatment processes such as gold platina (silver). gold plating. gold wrappina (siver
and polishing. Metal crafts were basically operated by hand before the 1950s. After the mid-1950s. with the progress and developmentof industry some auxiliary processes have been gradually mechanized, and the key processes that determine the artistic quality ofproducts, such as point cutting, filing and embedding, chiseling and bonding, are stil completed by manual operation.With the development of science. metal handicrafts made by laser cuting machine are more suitable for the daily life of ordinary
people. Using three-dimensional laer cutting machine, it can carry out two-dimensional and three-dimensional cutting of plane and
curved surface. The thickness of stainless steel that can be cut is 005-2mm. which can be used for stainless steel handicrafts
decorations. stainless steel tableware. fruit trav Cutting of stainless steel products such as stainless steel medical instruments The
ystem adopts the fiber laser with good beam guality and flexible transmission. and cooperates with the six axis industrial robot it canarry out space high-precision three-dimensional cutting, ith good cutting guality, no burr on the edae. high cuting efficiency andcutting speed of 6m / min