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what type of custom lapel pins should I choose?

Time:2022-04-19 Views:

Die StruckA style of the metal pin that can be any color, the desian is created by raised and recessed metal to show detail. The benefit of thistype is that it's very clean and classy, more jewelry-ike than other types ike enamel or rubber pins, which are often colorfu and mightnot match your outfit. However, with shiny metals, sometimes it's hard to see details on the surface because light reflects of them, soyou may want antique (add an aged layer) onto one side for contrast from al these polished areas. Or add sandblast texture into thosedeeper recesses if they're too reflective!

Die struck Hard Ename pins

With this option. the enamel is added in the recessed areas to give color to the design. The raised metal border around every solid-colored area holds them firmly in place and prevents a gradient from forming between colors, as you would see on other pins that use

soft enamel techniques.

Die Struck Soft Enamel Pins

Die Struck Soft Enamel is a diferent option from hard enamel. t has the same effect, but it's made differently. The paint setles justslightly and leaves metalborders around the outer edges of each color - giving this design more depth and dimension than is found incustom pins that are painted with traditional methods such as soft or hard enamels, which have uniform coverage throughout theirsurface areas. There really isn't much negative to say about these other options when considering how they're created because oneenefit soft enamel has over hard enamels being ess expensive due to its process having fewer steps, so there might be somepreference for you depending on your needs!

Offset Printed Pins

Offset printed pins are the most interesting diference in design to come out of an enamel pin. Rather than being created from araditional process, this type is produced by printing with ink directly onto the meta and then cuting it into individual shapes thathave been coated afterward for protection. The only problem with offset printed pins is their perceived quality. They're not exactlyhigh-end or durable compared to other styles on the market today, however, nothing stops you from wearing them proudly just

because they were maoe differentv 0fset printed pins are great for any business esnecialv if vou want to print a rea - ife nicture orgradient colors. In addition the cost is cheaper than the enamel pin, and it can be done faster, making them more efficient in largequantities.

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