Methods of rust removal and bright maintenance of metal cup surface
In the storage process, the surface of the metal cup wll also appear corosion traces due to long-term contact with air, which oftenforms a layer of oxidized copper rust. They are mainly copper oxide. f these substances can not be removed, it may affect the overallyision of the meta cun.ano mav a so reduce the ife of the cup.The fo owina sma series descrbes how to remove the cooper rust onthe surface of the metal cup.
1.Mechanical derusting
At present. a widely used rust remova method. ts principle is to use the impact and friction to effectively remove rust and dirt.Thecommon tools used in this method are portable electric grinding wheel, electric brush, pneumatic brush, derusting gun, etc. Theadvantage of this method is that the ouality and efficiency of rust removal are high. but the disadvantage is that these tools stil needmanual operation. labor intensity s arae. and it is not suitable for complex geometric cup. nor suitable for large-scale rust remova
2.Chemical treatment for rust removalThe principle is to use the acid to react with the rust (oxide) on the surface of the cleaned meta cup to dissolve in the acid. in additionthe hydrogen generated by the interaction between the acid and the metal cup makes the oxide skin fall off mechanicalyManual derusting
A simple method to remove rust. Use scraper, hammer, steel brush, abrasive cloth (paper), grinding wheel and other tools to removerust. The advantages of this kind of visit are simple and easy to operate and low cost; the disadvantages are high labor intensity, low
efficiency. unstable quality and poor working environment.The use of metal brightener is a kind of oly brightener, which can effectively protect the metal surface, present bright and clean metaluster, and leave a layer of protective film after use. Apply to alloy cup surface.
Please pour the stainless steel brihtener into the spray pot and shake well before using. Spray appropriate amount of metal cupBrichtener on the surface 15-20 cm away from the surface; immediately (do not et the spray dry) wipe with a clean and soft cloth untithe surface is clean and bright. In case of stubborn stains, repeat the above steps.